Dates: 19-21 May 2025 | Venue: Grand Hyatt, Al-Khobar, KSA


Stot Saudi 2025 Awards


Emerging Leaders

(less than 10 years)

The Emerging Technical Professional of the Year Award will honour a young professional who has demonstrated the potential to make a significant contribution to the industry’s future development and who has a good chance of moving up to senior management..


Outstanding Accomplishment

Crafted to honor projects within top companies who effectively carried out maintenance, dependability, and asset management strategy. An innovative technology project, research, product, or service that has been put into practice or tested is recognized with the Best Project of the Year Award.

Executive Achievers

(10 years + experience in field)

Executive Achievers awards is for outstanding energy leaders, representing a company, who has demonstrated inspirational and creative leadership by addressing specific key industry challenges


Best Contractor Award for Turnaround (TA)

The Best Contractor Award for Turnaround (TA) recognizes an exceptional contracting company that has demonstrated outstanding performance, safety, efficiency, and innovation in executing turnaround projects. This award honors a contractor that has exceeded industry benchmarks in project execution, workforce management, compliance, and delivering successful, cost-effective, and timely turnaround solutions. The recipient of this award will have showcased technical excellence, proactive problem-solving, and commitment to operational excellence, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum asset reliability for their clients.


Submisson Deadline 1st May 2025
Awards Ceremony 19 May 2025